LA NOTIZIA È UN FAKE, str0ke ha dato notizie di se (o della sua resurrezione su twitter:… Cazzo di scherzi sono questi?
Sul blog di bl4cksecurity troviamo la notizia che stroke, l’amministratore dell’ormai famosissimo sito milw0rm, ci lascia a soli 35 anni per arresto cardiaco. Lascia una moglie e 4 figli…
Grande cordoglio anche da parte della comunità di twitter:
Many of us have wondered where str0ke has been and why milw0rm has not been updated in a good while. I recently was informed that str0ke has been hospitalized due to a strange condition with his heart, which he has had since he was a child.
I’ve just received information that str0ke @ milw0rm has passed away due to cardiac arrest early this morning at 9:23 AM. We @ blacksecurity are deeply saddened by the loss of a good hearted friend.
We wish nothing but blessing to his wife and 4 children.
RIP str0ke 1974-04-29 – 2009-11-03 09:23
Condoglianze dall’underground italiano!